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  • Senior leaders have been telling us for some months that they are concerned that hybrid working is affecting the productivity of their organisation.

  • To that end, we have developed V2 of our benchmarking tool which tells you where hybrid working is affecting productivity and by what %.



SLTs everywhere are comforted by soft internal surveys which indicate that hybrid working is operating really well in their organisations. 
We benchmark line managers and employees for organisations every day who tell us a different story.


How our benchmarking works 

  • Our proprietary questions are tried and tested, giving you the answers that you need to determine how well your hybrid working is really performing. 

  • We send you a DEMO version to play around with. We do not generally change the questions unless something really grinds your gears! 

  • You send out the anonymous benchmarking survey to all of your managers and employees separately. (1 week to complete). 

  • We will generate a report and email it to you before our arranged post-benchmarking consultation. 

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